Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Summer school happenings

Class times:

June 15th: A&P with Cindee
July 20th: Special Populations, Prenatal, Elderly, Physically Challenged. Courtney and Elana
Aug 10th: A&P , quiz, Cindee all day.

Return for Mondays Aug.24, we will go every Monday excluding Holidays.

* Please remember the workshop "Art in Motion" will be held at the Art Church, Sat. June 13th.
If you need me to resend the flier e mail me.

You can get credit towards your R.Y.T. for this.

*Notice the lovely picture of Chana (a fellow yogini and Michelle my co-hort in environmental advocacy.)

Many Blessings,


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Next Teacher Training 2010

On a weekly basis I get calls asking when the next teacher training will be. As it stands I am trying to decide if we need to do eight or nine weekend sessions, thirty weekdays (such as every Monday for seven months, or one evening a week for ten months.

Becoming a Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance is a commitment of 200hrs. of training.

It is a time commitment so please give it serious thought. Teacher training is a wonderful expereince should you decide to join.

Please click on the Survey to choose your preferred method of training and we will try to accommodate the most desired time slots.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Monday May 11th Assignments

The Beginning of class will be covered again to make sure you fully understand.

  • Everyone needs to be able to cover three opening poses.
  • chart five poses
  • Go over what you need to do this summer to assure you have enough contact hours met to graduate on time. We will cover upcoming workshops and summer class days.
  • If we have time we will spend some time going over " The Business of Yoga"
  • Cindee will come and finish up the Philosophy and History the last two hours of class.

If you haven't gone to Yogaalliance.org, you need to go to this site and become familiar. Click on
registered teachers and find out who they are in your area.