Thursday, September 5, 2013

A note for upcoming RYT and CYT trainings

Hello, A new school year arrives for yoga lovers!

Here is some basic info you will need before starting class: please find your training and read carefully.
Everyone please bring your mat, your books that required you to preread, and items listed below. You will need a notebook, pen and folder also.

 *One of your sweet teachers, Elana Johnson E.R.Y.T. 500, R.C.Y.T., R.P.Y.T.

RYT 200
Meets at Balance Yoga and Wellness, Hot Springs
Sept 14th  11:30 arrival -5:30  (see below for practice hour)
Sept 15th 10:00 a.m. arrival - 3:00(see below for practice hour)

Choose one class to take this weekend, either the 10:00 a.m. class on Saturday or the 3:30p.m. class on Sunday to attend.

Pre -work: Read Chapter 1 in Instructing Hatha Yoga  and answer questions (bring with you)and
Idiots Guide to Yoga Read Chapter 1
Take notes, highlighting what interest you so you can share in group discussions. 

Wear comfy clothes
Bring one of the following: a vegetarian dish to share,  side item, drink, or paper  or plastic goods (plates,cups, napkins, forks, spoons)
Bring your mat. 

Children (s)Teacher Training: CYT
Meets at Blue Yoga NYLA North Little Rock
Sat. Sept 28th
12 - 6 p.m.

Prework -
Yoga Kids Book by Marsha Wenig,read pages 1-17
Teaching Yoga for Life - Tummers , read Chapter 1
The Complete Idiots Guide to Yoga, Yoga with Kids, Komitor and Adamson, Read Chapter 1
On each chapter take a few notes, make highlights of things that interest you or stand out for sharing.

Wear comfy clothes
Bring one of the following: a vegetarian dish to share,  side item, drink, or paper  or plastic goods (plates,cups, napkins, forks, spoons)
Bring your mat. 

Thank you to everyone. If you need anything before class starts please call me or email me.
*Also I request if you need to make a payment please use the link online or write a check at training.