Monday, November 19, 2018

What I will be doing after I close the school.

So I have been announcing that I am retiring from owning the school after 10 years. To be honest that was my plan from the beginning. Own a school for ten years. Why 10 years...I'm just weird with numbers, I figured ten years was a nice round number, and 200 plus teachers was my goal, I'll end with 225. I've done the work, time to pass the torch.

I love the school, well I love the people and I love teaching. What I don't love is for 10 years I've worked two weekends a month plus taught about six workshops a year. That totals to over half the weekends of the year I'm gone plus working five days a week. I'm tired y'all.
But I'm not really going anywhere. Rena Wren will be taking over the school mission which is to bring this type of holistic classical yoga to everyone who wants it. My goals have always been to reach those who don't have access to yoga and also to make it available to everyone who wants to learn.

I will still teach full time at Saline Heart Clinic in the Ornish Reversal Clinic. I still need to work on marketing my book "The Mud & The Lotus: A Guide and Workbook for Students of Yoga", that never ends, you must work after the book is published. I have a couple of ebooks I need to get finished and published. I have some courses to publish and another book or two in the works to write. I'll assist Rena for at least two more years as well. On occasion you will see me teaching a workshop or at a conference.

If you want to work with me or you are interested in the work I am still doing here is what you can do or how you can reach me or study with me.
1. Ornish Clinic:
 If you need Intensive Cardiac Rehab call Saline Heart Group and ask for Tara. This will get you into the Ornish program if you qualify which will give you access to Stress Management Yoga with me.
2. The Book:  If you want to learn more about yoga for yourself or to teach it, or to open a school and use my curriculum you can buy the book for a bargain price of $29.95. You can use it for your own learning.
3. Book a workshop or have me present at your event: If you want me to ]'come teach a "Yoga for Health Care" workshop or present  then email me to set up a conversation 
4.  Book a consultation over the phone or in person: Need help with your yoga,  yoga therapy, consulting or coaching in your personal life or for your health, need help teaching yoga, opening a studio or school, need help with your yoga business or anything more? I do personal and financial consulting and coaching in the field of yoga therapy and personal finance.  Click the link or email

I appreciate your taking the time to read this. If I can be of service to you please contact me. I look forward to knowing you.