Monday, June 15, 2009

June, July, Aug. classes and review

We may have a flip flop on "special populations" and "anatomy". If the teachers can work it out we will have Anatomy again on July 20th and Special Populations on Aug. 10th.
A few of you asked about homework and the short answer was "none," however that was not really correct in hindsight. You should review your books and study your poses. Practice teaching poses at home. We will work more on this together when we resume in late Aug. but for now you can work on saying them out loud, while doing them and while "not" doing them.

You will be given a study guide for the test on anatomy and I will let you know when that is going to be as soon as Cindee and I feel the time is right. I will also be including anatomy in my class on "Special Populations".

So for now: Review those Asanas! *Breath in on extension- exhale on flexion.

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