Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 20th class.

Monday July 20th we will meet for our 2nd session on Anatomy. Cindee and I will put together a review sheet for you. I will be going over more anatomy throughout the course. There will not be a quiz until fall as I had to rearrange some things to fit everything in and want to make sure to get special populations in with Anatomy.
I have to say I really miss our Mondays and am ready to get back to the Monday classes. If you have been to all the classes, or missed only one class and took the workshop with me prior to school starting, and you have thirty non contact hours with an RYT teacher, you will be able to graduate the first Monday in Dec.. However you are welcome and encouraged to continue (and participate) to come to class as most of the students finish up through January.
Please review your poses that we diagrammed and start familiarizing yourself with the instructions in your Yoga Book. We will be asking you to give instructions on poses. Don't let this worry you as we will be there to encourage you and help you along.
Hope you are having a wonderful summer.


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