Thursday, November 12, 2009

Nov. 16th Plans are changing.

Nov. 16th I am changing some things. My conscious has been bothering me about the a.m. public class.
The class population that is showing up is a very challenging group- somewhat atypical. It is a blessed situation in that you get to see some challenges that you may face. We have three more Mondays and everyone will get the chance to teach but I felt like it would be good for me to teach this class with you all assisting me and watching so you can learn. I will put three student teachers in front doing three versions of the poses. The rest of you will be on the edges observing or participating. We may do chair yoga for half the class. It's just to tough and there is so much learning opportunity here.
If anyone sees' Benny (he comes to Karen's class) tell him about the chair yoga. He loves it and ask me to let him know. I don't have his number.
In the afternoon I will teach a class just for you all, you all will partner up.
Then we will talk about ethics in teaching, marketing, and client dependency. The marketing will be a brainstorming type exercise. I'll guide you through some scenarios, so you need to be thinking about what you see yourself doing with your training, dream up whatever you want, it can be (I want to sub or volunteer to teach kids on occasion, or I want to teach Seniors,etc.....).

You all make me very proud. Having you for my first group has been very special to me.


1 comment:

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