Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Session 2 June 4-6

Dearest Yoginis,
Due to a conflict with scheduling Cindee is going to teach Anatomy during our next session on Friday and Saturday and History on Sunday. Eat your fruits and veggies and rest up. It will be an intensive learning experience. I'm looking forward to it, Cindee always has wonderful information and is a delightful teacher. After all these years I still learn something new every time Cindee teaches.

June 4-6F-Sun

Friday 4th:

6-9 Anatomy Cindee

Saturday 5th

9:30 to 11:30 Physical Practice "How to Teach" with Courtney

11:30 to 1:00 Lunch

1:00-5:00 Cindee - Anatomy

Sunday 6th

1:30-5:30 Cindee- History of Yoga

Should you need a place to stay contact Mary Moore or you can visit my friends vacation home site and room together, he had four houses to choose from at various rates. All are very clean and tidy and close in town.


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