Sunday, June 27, 2010


Dearest Yogini's,
We have had a full and productive weekend. I"m so grateful for the positive attitude of each of you. We are about to hit the stride of physical practice over the summer. Here are your assignments and what you can expect over the next few months. Open Dates are for Practicum.



Fri.9th 7-9p.m. Film on Marketing- Practice Opening, Pranayama, & Centering (Meditation or Body Scan) Setting Your Intention for class.

Sat.10th 9:30 to 11:30 a.m Opening Poses, Three Part, Ujjayi, and Meditation

Sat: 1-5 Sun Salutations (props/ modifications) with Cindee =6

Sun11th Elana : Prenatal yoga


Fri.13 Daniela 7:15-8:15- Test Due & Quiz Due

Sat 14th- 9:30 - 11:30 Courtney .- The Business of Doing Yoga

1:00 to 5:00 -Standing Poses, Backbends (props/modifications) Cindee=6

Sun 15th Sanskrit , Bahdhas: Mary


Sat.28th Forward Bends, Twist, Inversions, Sequencing with Courtney

Sun 29th Mary Diet /Ahimsa/Sanskrit

Sept : Practice Teaching Begins, Practicum

Fri10 Practicum

Sat-11th 9-11:30 Courtney T.B.A.

1-5 Chakra’s, Chanting Cindee

Sun-12thPractice Teaching


Sequencing- Techniques- Benefits –Yoga from the world onto the mat…. And off again.

Fri 8th



OCT: 29th Teachers Retreat at Ferndale Retreat Center 4p.m. Fri to 4p.m. Sat. $135 student cost if you wish to attend. You will receive twenty hours credit for attending. We will go to Ya Ya's for Dinner directly after the retreat.

Nov. These last two weekends will be focused on Practicum and tweaking techniques.

12 Practice Teaching all weekend. Open classes, guest teachers, Teachers Panel etc...



Dec: Graduation Weekend.



Due to teachers schedules some classes may be moved when guest teachers are available to visit, or staff teachers are available for extra hours.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

June 25-27th Class

Dear Yogini's,

I enjoyed our weekend together. I think we can all agree Cindee is a great teacher. Guest teachers who are not E.R.Y.T.'s lead Hatha Yoga classes only.

The next time we meet our schedule will be as follows:

Friday: Guest Teacher Kathryn will lead a class, Kathryn is a former graduate of F.L.Y.
Saturday: Review Anatomy Test, Review for First Quarter Quiz, Etiquette Handout, Workbook worksheets, Yoga Alliance Code of Conduct, Light on Yoga worksheet Review, Yin Yoga Course, How to teach worksheet and application....
Sunday: Finish work that didn't get finished on Saturday. Continue how to teach. Guest teacher Sherry. Continue working on Teaching Techniques.

* If time allows we may watch the movie "Ashtanga N.Y."

Reminder : Yoga You in Cabot is having an open house this weekend. Please record hours if you go so I can count them.

If you know of any yoga teachers who would like to attend the "Seva Retreat" please let them know about it. You have an attachment on your email. It is also on the website.
Please call if you need anything.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Teacher's Retreat Planned

Hello all:
I have planned a small twenty four hour teacher's retreat. This is not required by the current students, however it is a great way to make up hours and learn from other teachers.
Everything is included and it will take place when the trees should be beautiful.
Student teachers,staff, and the previous grads from F.L.Y. pay $135.
If you have a credit you can apply it to the retreat.


What:Yoga Teachers Retreat to Share and to Learn
When: Fri. Oct. 29th 4p.m. to Sat. 4.p.m.
Where: Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center in Ferndale Ar
Cost: Deposit of $70 balance of $80 for a total of $150.00

Seva: In the spirit of “selfless service”. For info on Seva go to

*This workshop is designed to help yoga teachers build a community, learn from one another, be compassionate, and help to advance others in this world in order to spread the love of yoga and the benefits to others. We will have several yoga classes and fellowship with discussions on topics such as “certification, the economics of teaching, where to find work, specialty areas, etc….”

One price Includes: Lodging in Belden Cabins, four people to a room. The cabins are very nice and new with comfortable new twin size bunk beds, the rooms have bathrooms and heat and air. Each guest will have their own bed, so you can decide where to sleep. Activities and classes will be held in the Community Activities Center next to the cabins. Meals are served in the cafeteria and some vegan and vegetarian snacks will be available in the CAB.

Openings will be for teachers first. If any spaces are left as of Aug. 15th registration will be open to advanced students with a desire to teach.

Price: $150.00
Deposit: $70 to hold your space by Aug. 15th, space is limited to seventeen, plus three teachers. The balance of $80 is due by Oct. 15th.
After September 1st deposits are non refundable. You can transfer your space to another teacher if you can arrange it.
Courtney Butler, E.R.Y.T. 200, Director of Floating Lotus Yoga R.Y.S., and Yoga Coordinator HS YMCA.
*Staff and current teacher training students and recent graduates can take 10% off the price

*Detach and Mail to: Floating Lotus Yoga, 120 Wildwood Circle, Hot Springs, AR 71901

Amount Enclosed: