Friday, April 8, 2011

April 11-15th and Beyond

We are reaching the end. I am sending you a schedule and a check list here.
Monday April 11th
10 -11 Sutra's, Chart Poses
11-12 Lunch
12-2:15 I will teach you your parts quickly and then you all will take turns teaching.
2:15 Clean up
2:30 Dismiss
Teach in 6 parts (Please send me this if you have your part, for the life of me I can't locate that paper with the schedule, it may be at work.)

Wed: April 9th
9-10 Yoga
10-11 Surtas' and Charting poses
11-12 Lunch
1-2 Practice teach in groups of threes: 20 mins each

You may use notes and I will help you write them out if you need. When you teach your full hour no notes are allowed except for meditation readings.

1st: Breath work, intention,opening poses
2nd Standing, Balancing, Inversions, : you can make any sequence, as long as it makes sense and is balanced.

3rd: slowing down. floor work,B/B, F/B, twist, bridge, meditation, bringing up


10:45-11:45Danielas class
I will provide some snacks for lunch
12:00-1:00 Prenatal
1:00-1:20 Break
1:20 to 2:30 Prenatal

1.Comprehensive Exam can be turned in at anytime.
2. Keep up with your hours.
3. Attend all the classes, make up hours you miss asap.
4.If you have a payment to make for March please turn it in Monday.
All accounts must be paid in full by April 28th in order to graduate.
You may pay your acct. in full at any time.

If you have questions or concerns please call me. I want to do everything possible to see that you graduate on time.

Love and Light,

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