Sunday, February 26, 2012

Green Juice - Detox Drinks

Hello, Hope this finds you well. Many of my friends and students have asked me for the recipe for Green Detox Juice.   I found one similar on Pinterest today. . Pinterest is a web organizing site that lets you put all your favorite things in categories to easily find and share. I LOVE IT!!!!
The juice recipe is really easy here but I would encourage you if you don't have all the ingredients: Make it up.
I find as long as you have some fruits and veggies your good. The ginger and lemon are the big cleaners and always having something green is good. If you know me personally you know I'm a big picture gal and I don't get bogged down in details: I work with people who do to balance me out, like a good yogini. So that being said your goal is to get more fruits and veggies.
As one of my favorite GURU's says "Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!" - Ms. Frizzel (The Magic School Bus, PBS)

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