Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Completing all of your contact hours, absences etc.

Welcome students and teachers. Our first official day is Monday March 2nd. I am so excited to get started on this journey with you.

We have nine students: Golden, Daniela, Karen, Kristen,Shelby, Chana, Kathyrn, Carol and Leslie.

Several of you have expressed concerns about not being able to make all the classes so I am going to address those concerns here.

Please try to come to all the classes for your benefit. If you need to miss try to keep it to a minimum. The classes are divided into certain topics that you are required to have. However going into this I knew some of you would need some flexibility in your schedule.

I am asking all ERYT's to send me class times and schedules. You can make up hours in the presence of an ERYT or on occasion an R.Y.T. up to 30 hrs. Those teachers class schedules will be listed here in the near future. You may assist, participate, or observe depending on the each teachers comfort level and preference. It will be a mentoring process up to that teacher.
You will need to have the teacher sign and date your notebook to show me.

There may be cost associated with making up as teachers often times do not control payment for their classes, for example: I teach at the YMCA on Wed at 9:00 a.m., non members have to pay $10. I have no control over the charge.

There may be a couple of events offered during the year that you can take with ERYT's to gain more hours also. I will keep you posted.

See you Monday: Bring your supplies and lunch.



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