Thursday, October 15, 2009

Assignments and Future Events.

Assisgnments forOct. 19th.

9a.m. to 11:15 (lunch 45 mins)

Practice Teaching :

  • 1st Practice:Beginning :Kathryn, Middle: Golden, End: Carol
  • 2nd Practice: Beginning: Daniela, Middle: Shelby, End:Jennifer S.
  • Beginning = Opening Centering includes transitioning such as meditation with pranayama together or alone, opening poses from top to bottom or bottom to top, and a Half Sun Salute.
  • Middle: 1 Full Sun Salute, Down Dog, Pyramid R/L, Hikers Pose
  • End: Forward Fold, Cobra, Childs pose, Bridge, Reclined Twist, Ending Meditation.
You are to prepare a sequence as we did in class. I will need to see it, you will get it back to work on, however you will need to tweak it over the week and be ready to teach it at some point. You can use your paper when teaching for now. Use your sheet on sequencing or look at the above Teaching Practice guideline.

Please read and study these in your books, write your thoughts on each one and be prepared to share:



12-3 Cindee Pranayama, Continue Sequencing, Partner Yoga.

I need confirmation on who is attending the Jackson House on the 21st of December. This is counted as a regular class day. We will probably work from 10:00 to 1:30 and then maybe we can go somewhere and have potluck if you would like. If anyone would like to host something at their home that would be great. I have kids and animals and am not in any shape to do so, or we could go to Nurture and have a potluck there.

I have copies of the Sequencing page and Principals on Teaching by Erich Shiffman, I will bring them Monday. See you at Nurture.

Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, (Peace for you mind, body, and spirit)


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