Sunday, October 11, 2009


This month we are primarily gearing up to start practice teaching. Each class day you are assigned a part of class to teach. We are also going to focus deeper on the philosophical side of yoga: The Yama's and Niyama's, two a week will be assigned each week for you to explore.This month one of your other assignments is to journal on Empowerment and Disempowerment.
Starting on Oct. 12 I will be discussing Authenticity with you. Each part of this practice is to bring you to a deeper understanding of yourself and those you interact with. I am really enjoying working on it myself and find every day I need to be reminded, so I am very grateful that I have this class and you all to keep me focused.
Later in the month we will also be focusing on alternate types of Pranayama and have an afternoon study on the Chakra's. On the 26th those going to the Anusaura Workshop will come back and share what they have learned with the other students.

Each day with you all has been a blessing to me. If there is anything you need please feel free to email me. You can call me at the house also 262-9297.

Oct. 12th - Art Church
Oct. 19th - Nurture
Oct. 26- Nurture.


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