Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July and Aug

What a great weekend.
Thank you to all the guest teachers and staff teachers, Sherry Daves, Elana Johnson, and Cindee Zerr Franklin. I believe everyone learned quite a bit and had a great time doing so.

We are over a third of the way through the training and I hope you are enjoying the journey. Here is our Aug. calender.

Fri.13 Daniela 7:15-8:15- Test Due Quiz Due, 1 meditation
Sat 14th- Courtney a.m., How to teach quiz/test review meditations
Cindee -p.m. Standing Poses, Backbends (props/modifications)
Sun 15th Sanskrit , Bahdhas: Mary

Sat.28th Christina South visits as an assistant.
Sun 29th Practice Teaching weekend.


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