Monday, January 17, 2011

Schools About to Start, Woo Hoo!

I am very excited about the next teacher training. I really love doing the teacher trainings and for me the weekdays are far less stressful when my kiddos' are at school and I am not worried about who is watching them or feeding them or what they are doing. So in saying that I want to thank you for your interest in the weekday program. Do to the climate of teacher trainings it will probably be the last weekday training for awhile. The demand is much higher for weekend trainings so after this session I will focus on those for a while.

*If you are signed up or are interested there are a few things that have changed or are unique to this training.


  • Starting Jan. 31st we will meet each Monday and Wednesday from 9a.m. to 2:30p.m. . However we have the option to meet on Friday's also from 10:45 to 2:30. We will sit down and work out those Fridays so we can all meet together.
  • The college is allowing me to have you come and observe me teaching once per semester per student. You may also do some guest teaching under my supervision. The reasoning behind this thinking was that "you" will be the future of teaching in schools, colleges, etc and it will be good experience for you to see what it is like.
  • These options are going to allow us to finish, hopefully no later than May 11th...very likely by May 4th. Each student has to accumulate 180 hrs of contact training and 20 hrs of study. This schedule allows for us to move through the program at a quick pace and get you out into the world of being a "Certified and Registered Yoga Alliance Teacher!"
Other Big Changes: Financial
  • This is the first time we are accepting payments. We require that if you are making payments by cash or check that you keep a credit card or debit card on file in the case a student does not pay this protects the school. We have adapted this common policy from other schools around the nation. Running a technical school requires many fees' for accreditation, insurance, staff, rent, supplies, etc. The first day of school we will fill out paperwork that will ask you to please give a copy of a debit or credit card to be on file until you graduate. This will never be shared and you can have the copy back upon graduation (please request it). If you have any questions about this please contact me and we can discuss it. Each of you will also be asked to sign an agreement for your payment plan as it has been worked out with you and the school.
Weekday Training Special in 2011
Jan 31 to May 18th, M/W 9-2:30
p.m. Fridays from 10:45 to 2:30. Likely one weekend day training will take place for Pre/Post natal training with Elana. We will determine this once we get together and can find a date to suit each of us.

*Full Payment Tuition. Cash or Check. Early Bird Discount :$1975 total
$150 Deposit
$1825 due one week prior to training start date

* Payment Plan $2075

  1. $150 deposit due with registration and payments of $481.25 do 1/31,2/28, 3/30, 4/27
  2. $ 500 down prior to training or the first day of training,1/31, and make thee payments of $575 due 2/28, 3/30, 4/27

*We require a credit card or debit card on file with all payment plans. Please read financial policy carefully.

We will type up a contract for each student with registration, payment plan and credit/debit info. The school honors our commitment to provide you with a quality education in response to your financial and physical commitment of your time.

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