Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Hello Yogi's,
We have a busy schedule before us and will be covering a lot of topics.
Remember much of what you learn in 200 hr training will be basic coverage of many topics, there are workshops and further trainings if you should decide to specialize in a certain area. So many of the topics we will cover will be short, such as mantra, mudra, and bandha. If you want to learn more I can guide you to some of those resources.

9-10 Class with Courtney
10-10:15 Bathroom and Snack Break
10:15-11:00 Mantra, Mudra, Bandha
11-12:00 Lunch
12-12:30 Finish above topics if need be.
12:40 -2:15 Finish Standing poses.

Anatomy quiz and seated postures

Payment info: If you make a payment this week it may not be reflected on your statement. I turn in the checking info once a month and the bookkeeper mails the statements on the 10th. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.


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