Monday, February 28, 2011


Teacher: Courtney
Each Day 9-10 Practice
10:15 Lecture over specific topics
11-12 Lunch
12-1:00 Asana
1:15 to 2:15 Asana
2:15 pack up
2:30 Dismiss

Topics that will be covered during lecture in March: Sequencing, Mantra, Mudra, Bandhas, Food: Yogic Diet, Meditation. Please read over these topics in The Idiots Guide to Yoga, Instructing Hatha Yoga, and you will need to bring your Anatomy book with you to class. All three books will be used in March. We will also watch the movie "Ashtanga Yoga" sometime in March.

3/16 Chapter 1-5 Questions turned in
Paper on Lunch with Bokara.
Your yoga quiz
Over Spring Break you need to read "Light on Yoga" the first 60 pages.

We will cover "Light on yoga" when we come back on March 28th.
We will start practice teaching 3/30.

April topics: Chair yoga class, Business of doing yoga, Children;s yoga, Perinatal yoga, Anatomy quiz do. Cindee will meet with you on the 4/4 to go over the History of Yoga.

Om, Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Om.

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