Friday, July 8, 2011


"If all it took where know how we would all be rich and beautiful."
This is a quote I heard on a recent coaching podcast and for the most part it's true, yes there are factors in our lives that prohibit us from success. Sometimes the playing field is not always even. However, often we are our own worst enemies when it comes to achieving our goals and dreams.

Are you having trouble realizing your dreams? 
In the practice of "yoga nidra" (yoga sleep) there is a portion called "conflict resolution", you visualize your challenge and come up with a solution, no matter how crazy. You will see it through the steps and then visualize a "positive outcome", make sure you see all the steps and then meditate on the result. 
Then "surrender" to the vision.
Your goals should be led by your heart and desire, not for others or at the expense of others, but for your happiness and well-being.
Recently in a meeting a young lady said to me "I really wanted to do_________ , but..." 
I ask you what comes after your excuses? Can you take five minutes or an hour today to make one step to your dream? Can you make a phone call, research a subject, send an email ? What can you do to move yourself in the right direction? Or are you going to let your fears determine the outcome of your life ? Only you can decide. 
After all "If you can't see it in your mind how do you expect to achieve it?" 

"Take risk, make mistakes, get dirty!" ~ Ms. Frizzle, The Magic School Bus

Book note: I love this book. I was a little apprehensive because of the cover because I am so visual, my thoughts were "I am not a diva!" however, this is a great book for coaching women to find the work they love.

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