Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Green Drinks

I pretty much survive on these for enough veggies and fruit in my diet.

All you need is a blender and some fruits and veggies.

Start with about 2 cups of water
Ice or frozen fruit
Add any or all :Kale, Spinach, greens of any kind, shitake mushrooms, cucumber, zucchini, sprouts...etc..milder veggies lend to a milder flavor.
Add in a banana for a sweeter flavor
Add in optional: grated fresh ginger and / or lemon juice (fresh is best) sometimes I use lime.
You can add any fruit you like, apples, oranges, pineapple, cherries, berries, mango's.
SUPER TIP: Add powdered Wheat grass, Spirulina, or Super greens to your drink for protein, antioxidants, and more.

I am a fiber freak and I don't want to give it up so I just blend until smooth. You can put leftovers in a glass jar with fitted lid. I drink about four cups a day and it always makes me feel refreshed and healthy. 

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