Thursday, August 4, 2011

Running a Yoga Based Business

So you think you want to run a yoga studio or own your own yoga business?

The next couple of months I will share with you some things to think about before you sign the lease.

In previous post we have discussed:
  • Who you are as a teacher and who are your present clients: Teach beginners, seniors, Vinyasa flow, children, Power, or a combo.  
  •  What is your vision? Do you want to teach in a studio, nursing home, public school, at a retreat center, etc...
  • What are the best times for you to teach? You have kids and you want to teach while they are at school. Or you work and want to teach one night a week and two Saturday's a month, etc...If you make it hard it won't last.
  • What part of yoga do you love? I have one teacher who is a great technical writer and she helps me with yoga manuals. I love marketing so I consult and write a blog. One of my teachers owns a studio, one works with kids, one teaches Power Yoga. What do you love to do? It will sustain you.

Okay so now you have it all figure out? Right!  Now  you can answer these questions below to help you figure out a little more. Just remember "You have the right to change your mind, and you will." It's okay. These exercises are part of the creative process.

Lets' start with the basics of finding space.
  1. First you need to find a space that is open and has good energy.
  2. Does it need to be on a busy street or out of the way? It depends on the space, the noise, and the feel, and the price. Generally you are a destination not a drop in place, but visibility has advantages.
*To see more, such as how to figure your expenses please subscribe by going to our "Services Offered page" you can join for $9.97 a month you can cancel anytime  you like. Join and pay online. You will be added to our "Coaching website" within 24 hours and see all the past post in full including a podcast and future podcast and webinars.

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