Thursday, September 1, 2011

From Yoga Student to Yoga Teacher

You have decided to make a life change and your not quite sure what that will look like but in your mind you have some ideas, dreams, and hopes. Congratulations, that is the beginning. Anything you can picture you can likely do, it may take tenacity and preservation but if you can picture it you are on your way. Here are the details in getting started on your journey and some helpful hints to help you get the most out of your journey.

First Steps:
  1. You will need to have some background with yoga. You need to know you really love practicing before you decide to be a teacher.
  2. Be able to answer the question for yourself -Why do I want to teach ?
  3. Find several schools that appeal to you and research them. What is it you like about the school? Do you like the teachers? The style of yoga? What is their history? 
  4. What appeals to you? A small school with less than 15 or so students per class? Or a big school that is more like a college campus?  
  5. Ask some teachers who went through the program how they feel about the school.
  6. Once you pick a school then you will want to email or call the Director. Send in your deposit and application. There may or may not be a phone interview. If the teacher knows you then they may skip this part.
  7. Make arrangements to be able to attend "all" of the classes. Most schools do not let you miss any classes, but if you know you may have to miss one or two classes make sure you speak to your teacher and see if you can make it up. Many schools will make you wait a year to repeat the sessions you miss.
Once classes start:
  1. Have what you need the first day.
  2. Bring an attitude of willingness to learn.
  3. Take care of yourself during training. Eat healthy, exercise, sleep, and do your yoga practice. 
  4. Do your work on time. I know this sounds like a "DUH" but it's crucial to enjoying your training. Make sure to set time out of your day, week, or month to do homework and assignments so you are not rushed. When I was in school I would get to my kids school an hour early and sit in my car the parking lot, not answer my cell phone and do my assignments in the car- no distractions. It worked for me for the reading and written work. 
  5. Go to other teachers yoga classes. 

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