Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pricing - Just do it

So this makes me a little crazy and I believe it's a bit of information that could really change people's profit's for the better.
I see a service I am interested in and I go to the web page and there is no price.  So I have no idea if I can afford the widget or service this business has to offer.
I go with my gut when it comes to business and it has never let me down. Put yourself in the customers shoes. When you are looking to purchase or use something if you can't find a price do you give up?
So I will give an example from tonight that made me think of this. I'm on FaceBook (FB), someone local I adore has a business that I think I might like to use. I'm thinking I can spend a specific amount. They do not have a web page and on the FB page there no information about how the service works or how much it cost. See here is the deal, I really want to give this person business, but I would feel foolish if I called and then I could not afford what they needed. If you have a service that is hard to price, give an example of work you do and a clear statement that prices vary based on whatever your variables are. If you are struggling in a new business and do not know what to charge then "google" or research at least ten similar businesses and look at pricing. Then compare prices in your area. In Arkansas we charge a little less for yoga that the East or West Coast so I have to stay competitive. Ideally you don't want to be the most expensive until you have really built a reputation and you don't want to be cheap just to be cheap. Price fairly. Make sure you give a brief and concise statement about what you offer.

Here is an example from my web page: There is more info on the web page describing refunds and other financial policies, but you clearly know what you are paying for and what it cost. There is more detailed information on the website for specific events and trainings.

·       Workshops  and Intensives  (C.E.U.’s available): $20 credit hour. If hosted 75/25(host) split, host advertises on website and current publications.

·       Yoga to go: $15 per person, minimum of $105.

·       Guest teaching with Courtney: $50 per hour, plus the cost of copies up to $15, and mileage outside of Garland County.

·       Personalized therapeutic yoga sessions :$60 per session, 1hr.

Hope this is helpful to someone and increases your revenue.


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