Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What's going on , what's going on.........

Please continue to study Forward-bends and Back-bends in your book.
Practice out loud, at home, with your family, your pets, whatever, just practice teaching out loud. You might want to record yourself, sometimes it helps if you say the pose out loud while doing it in your head.

Finish your worksheet on the Yama's and Niyama's.

Remember to do one Empowering Act this week, and record it, for yourself. You can share it if you like in class.
I have already been tested on this one today!!! The lessons never end:).

If you feel ready you might try drawing out a sequence. If you are thinking "No way" don't worry, we will be guiding you through this process soon.

I am really trying to pin down the times for the next Teacher Training and am pretty sure it is going to be Spring 2010 to Fall 2010, weekends.

Shanti, Namaste,

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First you have to crawl......

Hello Yogini's:
9- 14:Last week I learned something! Have a backup plan. Poor Cindee I am glad she did the right thing and stayed home. Not so glad I turned my phone off. Thank you for staying and having a yoga clinic on your own. Since we had an R.Y.T. on site it worked out really great. Thank you Kathryn!
Last Monday we covered what it means to be certified and registered with Yoga Alliance. Then we did Sanskrit Translation and it went surprisingly well (for me and you!). We also covered Sun Salute A & B.
9-21:Our next session has forward bends and back-bends on the schedule, however we need to start with standing poses due to the fact that we got a bit off schedule, plus I will assist you in charting them. Then we will practice teach.
9-28 I will chart Inversions and Twist, Cindee will come from 12-3 and teach a Clinic on those.

We will be practice teaching every time we meet. You can choose something to practice the week before that way you will feel prepared. Thank you for being good sports last week and pitching in for the improv teaching! You all are going to be fabulous teachers.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Where we are and where we are going.....

The past several classes we have covered:
  • Pre/Post Natal
  • A &P
  • The Beginning of Class, Sun Salutes A & B, and a Vinyasa flow including Tadasana - Mountain), Vira 1,2, and Revolved, Uttanasana (Forward Fold), Adho Muka Savasana (Down Dog), and Balasana (Childs' Pose)
Next Class is Sept 14th. Cindee will be doing a clinic of Asana's and adjustments. I will be in around 10:30 or 11:00.

Starting in November there will be a free class for the community each Monday from 10a.m. to 11:00a.m. Teachers in training will teach. You will be ask to teach the Beginning, Middle (2 mid sections), or ending of a class at some point in November.

Starting Sept. 14th we will meet every Monday until December when we have two weeks off for the Holidays. Then we have two to three meeting dates before final graduation.
