Thursday, September 3, 2009

Where we are and where we are going.....

The past several classes we have covered:
  • Pre/Post Natal
  • A &P
  • The Beginning of Class, Sun Salutes A & B, and a Vinyasa flow including Tadasana - Mountain), Vira 1,2, and Revolved, Uttanasana (Forward Fold), Adho Muka Savasana (Down Dog), and Balasana (Childs' Pose)
Next Class is Sept 14th. Cindee will be doing a clinic of Asana's and adjustments. I will be in around 10:30 or 11:00.

Starting in November there will be a free class for the community each Monday from 10a.m. to 11:00a.m. Teachers in training will teach. You will be ask to teach the Beginning, Middle (2 mid sections), or ending of a class at some point in November.

Starting Sept. 14th we will meet every Monday until December when we have two weeks off for the Holidays. Then we have two to three meeting dates before final graduation.


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