Monday, August 16, 2010

Looking Back, Looking Forward, Being Present

This weekend we covered:
1. As you go our into the world of teaching handout, basic guidelines for classroom management. And notes on a blue print for the classroom.
2. Had two yoga sessions, one with Daniela and one with Sherry (public class.)
3. Covered Standing poses and back bends with Cindee and got our groove on with some dance:).
4. Covered Sanskrit with Mary S.

Our next weekend we will meet only S/S the 28th and 29th of Aug.
1. Yoga Asana and Meditation will be with Christina, Ashley, and public class with Sherry. We will outline and practice the cards I gave you, bring them back to class please.
2. Sunday Mary will cover Bandha's, Ahimsa (Non Violence) and a Vegan Diet, and Forward Folding.

* A reminder: I spoke to you about building stamina, a great way to do this is to walk fifteen to twenty mins twice a week, then thirty mins once a week, and forty five mins once a week for a total of four walks, rest in between. This is a 5K schedule I use in addition to my personal yoga practice. My personal yoga practice varies depending on whats going on in my life, but it usually includes one or more of the following:
1. Taking other teachers classes.
2. Twenty Mins of personal practice followed by five mins of meditation.
3. Up to an hour of personal asana followed by twenty mins or more of meditation.

Be present and study the first worksheet, your notes on the blue print of a class, and prepare to teach your assigned index card. I hope you have fun with it all and enjoy learning.

Much Love and Light!

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