Friday, August 20, 2010


Hello, If you have not read Mondays post, please do so.
I'm in the midst of doing paperwork and wanted to send out some reminders.

In my Black Box there is a purple plastic file folder, there are copies of nearly everything you have received. When you have time compare with your neighbor to see if you are missing anything, then you can look for extras in the folder. There is always a hole punch in my black box. You are welcome to either of these items at any time.

We have six openings for the retreat. If you are a teacher and you wish to attend please send in your deposit by 8/29. This is the date I have to confirm with Ferncliff. Dep are $70. After the 29th I will open up the open spots to the public as I will need to fill them. This is a small retreat of twenty people.

Emmy and Leslie: The copy of your exam is in your folder.
I emailed out the Comprehensive Exam and Workbook to each of you also.
There are extra copies of the calender in my purple folder.

I will return your test to you by the 29th.

Have a wonderful week. :) Love and Light to you all.

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