Monday, February 28, 2011


Teacher: Courtney
Each Day 9-10 Practice
10:15 Lecture over specific topics
11-12 Lunch
12-1:00 Asana
1:15 to 2:15 Asana
2:15 pack up
2:30 Dismiss

Topics that will be covered during lecture in March: Sequencing, Mantra, Mudra, Bandhas, Food: Yogic Diet, Meditation. Please read over these topics in The Idiots Guide to Yoga, Instructing Hatha Yoga, and you will need to bring your Anatomy book with you to class. All three books will be used in March. We will also watch the movie "Ashtanga Yoga" sometime in March.

3/16 Chapter 1-5 Questions turned in
Paper on Lunch with Bokara.
Your yoga quiz
Over Spring Break you need to read "Light on Yoga" the first 60 pages.

We will cover "Light on yoga" when we come back on March 28th.
We will start practice teaching 3/30.

April topics: Chair yoga class, Business of doing yoga, Children;s yoga, Perinatal yoga, Anatomy quiz do. Cindee will meet with you on the 4/4 to go over the History of Yoga.

Om, Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Om.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Feb 28th - March 2nd

Hello Yogi's,
Hope you are enjoying the weekend.
You will be with Cindee on Monday. I will be at the school working next door should you need to see me. Below is my email from Cindee on what she is teaching and the dates.
Any homework can be turned in at any time but all Chapters must be turned in by 3/16. Please do the questions at the end of Chapters 1-5 plus your paragraph on Lunch with Bookara.

You will be with me in the a.m. then we will discuss sequencing a class, review opening poses, and chart standing poses. We will also work on meditation.

2/21 Anatomy 10:30 to 2:30 plus asanas page 204, 137, 133, 219, 214 (depending on time)
Monday 2/28 Chakras/ plus asanas page 204, 137, 133, 219, 214 (depending on time)
March 14 10:30 to 2:30 Yoga anchient text/history; Gita and yoga sutras (Patanjali translation).

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Plans for 2/18 to 2/23

Wow, what a crazy day. Thanks for being flexible.
Feeling that we are a little behind but I will catch us up eventually. Please read Chapter 4 on Pranayama and Chapter 5 on Energy and Anatomy. Answer the questions on Chapter 3 to turn in to me on next Wed.

Friday 3/18
10:45-11:45 Daniela's class: You can take for hours
12:00-2:15 Adjustments, Assisting, and Questions.

9-10 Cindee's class
10:15 to 2:30 Cindee-Energy and Anatomy
Pack your lunch to eat in.

Wed. 23rd
9-10 Yoga
Turn in Questions for Chapter 3
Go over chapter 4 Pranayama
11:00 Lunch
12:00 Titans of Yoga Movie
1:30 Discussion on Movie and Finishing up Chapter 4.

Homework will be to Answer Questions in Chapter 3 and 4 for the following Wed.

Have a great evening:)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Feb. 4th 2011

Hello Yogi's,

Monday: Feb 7th

9:00Cindee's class
10:15Discussion Chap 2
12:00Finish Chap 2
1:00Opening Poses Handout,4 rounds of half and 4 rounds of full sun salutes
Read Chapter 3 and answer questions

Wed 9th
9:00Courtney's Class
10:15 Turn in Homework from 1 &2 and Boraka paragraph, Discuss chapter 3 Creating a Class environment
11:00 Lunch
12:00- Titans of Yoga Movie
Practice cuing a few opening poses
4rounds of half and full salutations.
Homework: Read Chp.4 answer questions

No School on the 14th

Wed. the 16th
9:00Courtney's Class
10:15Discuss Chapter 4 with questions
12:00Pranayama session
Cue opening poses
Four rounds of half and full salutes if time allows

Homework for the 21st - 28th Read Anatomy Chapter 5.
Please feel free to read ahead. If we don't get something covered we will work on making it up after the Anatomy sessions are complete.

Thank you,

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

First Day of School Recap and Homework :Session 3

Hello Yogi's:
Thank you so much for choosing Floating Lotus Yoga School for your training.

Giving you a little more time on your homework.

Read the Preface and Chapter 1 for Tomorrow
9a.m. to 10a.m. Yoga / Courtney
10-10:15 Break
10:15 to 11:00 Cover Preface and Chapter 1
11:00 to 12:00 Lunch
12-1:30 Enlighten Up
1:30 Break
1:45-2:15 Discuss the movie
2:15 Clean up
2:30 Dismiss

Monday 2/7
9-10 Cindee's class
10:15 Break
10:15 to 11:00 Discuss Chapter 2
11-12 Lunch
12-1:00 - Discuss more of Chapter one and Two
1:00 Break
1:15 to 2:15 Opening Poses handout, and practice cuing one pose.
4 Rounds of Half Sun Salutations
4 Rounds of Full Sun Salutations

Wed 2/9
9-10 Yoga with Courtney
Turn in paragraph on Lunch with Bokara
Turn in questions chap.1 & 2
Discuss Questions and paragraph
11:00 Lunch
12:00 Titans of Yoga
1:30 Break
1:45-2:00 Discussion
2:00 Four rounds half and Full Salutations

We may have a couple of more students. I can accept students up until next Wed. the 16th and then I will have to close the class.

Fridays that we meet
Feb. 18th
March 18th
April 15th
And I will let you know on the Sunday afternoon in March for Prenatal.

*Keep a log of your hours please in your notebook and take notes daily, dating them as you go. This can all stay in one notebook.

Thanks so much.
