Monday, April 6, 2009

April 13th

April 13th

Beginning of class: Learning the "Beginning of a Class"

9 to noon
  • Meditation: First Group will share: we will do three at a time.
  • Pranayama Instruction with handout
  • Then Joint loosening poses by Mukanda Stiles with handout
  • Second group will do med. project, last person will lead us into next set
  • Pranayama, Active Practice with adjustments and corrections, shavasana
  • 3rd group meditation
  • Possibly a surprise, have to see how our time is
  • Final meditation and go over homework
Homework for the week will be learning how to teach basic three part breathing.
You will receive your study guide
The following week come prepared: You can use notes:
Step 1: How to sit or lay on your back
Step 2: Centering, setting intention, opening meditation (you choose)
Step 3: Basic three part breathing
Step 4: 2 Opening poses

Due to a miscommunication on my part (I initially asked for evenings in the summer and then changed it to Saturdays. I changed it on the calender but not my rental agreement.) Saturdays will not be an option as the studio is not available.
If you all are able could you meet 3 Mondays over the summer at our usual time 9a.m. to 3p.m. ?
Here are the dates available
. Please look at your calender and we will do what suits the majority and I will work with those who cannot come on the side.
June 15th or 22nd
July 20th
Aug 3rd or 10th

"One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes."
Eleanor Roosevelt

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