Tuesday, April 21, 2009

May and Summer


  • look at yogaalliance.org and become familiar.
  • Study for your test using your key
  • Review breath cues and opening mediation if you still need to do yours

May 4th:

9 to 11:30: If we have time we will do active practice as an extension of the opening poses, I have asked Cindee to include some active asana's in the afternoon.

Test first

Finish Breathing Cues and Sherry will do the opening meditation.

Everyone will need to teach three opening poses. Keep in simple. This is to get your familiar with speaking in public and cueing.

Cindee will come from noon to 3p.m. to teach.

May 11th.

You will all be expected to do each of these in order, you can combine pranayama and opening meditaion or keep it seperate as long as you cover all aspects.

Opening meditation, pranayama (three part or ujjayi), three opening asanas from the list you were given.

Summer Dates: Mondays 9 to 3:

June 15th: Anatomy and Phisiology: Cindee

July 20th: Elana will teach Prenatal

Aug 10th: A.& P. Cindee with Quiz: Cindee

TBA: Fundraiser for Charity, Yoga with RYT's and ERYT's one weekend day this summer. Will work as Karma yoga and makeup hours.

Over the summer it would be advised to acquire any missed hours you may need. I will be at the YMCA on Mondays and Wed from 9 to 10 and Cindee may have a class on Fridays. Any classes you take with an RYT or ERYT will count towards make up time. You can only acquire up to 30 hrs..

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