Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April 20th

Homework from the 13th Read pgs.132-136 along with your notes on Pranayama.

Read pages 163-171 Postures to Calm the Body and Mind: Tips on Meditation and along with your handouts on Meditation.

  • Be prepared to give three body cues to breathing. Remember to guide your student in standing, sitting or lying down.
  • We will finish up 5 min. opening meditation.
  • Chair yoga (forgot to count chairs, will need to make sure we have 14 to 16 chairs.)
Your goal by the 2nd week of May (your last Spring class until June) is to be able to:
  1. Be able to do an opening meditation.
  2. Be able to give at least three cues to three part of ujjayi breath.
  3. Be able to teach at least three opening poses.
Our intention creates our reality.
-Wayne Dyer


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