Sunday, November 28, 2010

Graduation is upon us

To do and graduation:
RYT forms for Yoga Alliance
PDF computer doc for students
Hard Copy for Students
Orignial Cert. for Students

* Courtney-Return the last of the test.
*Students, if you have a test to mail send it asap.
* Saturday 9:30 - 5:30:Teaching Sat. Linda, Karin,Debbie, Leslie
1:30 Depends on time, short class with CB or filling out paperwork
2:30 Set up for grad
3:00 Teacher Panel
4:00 Graduation, catered snacks.

Students: Please turn in your hours, movies, mentoring and test. Always keep a copy for your records.

Reminder: There will be a workshop on Jan. 9th.

Floating Lotus Registered Yoga School


The Simple Yogi Workshop

“Understanding Yoga for Beginners, Experienced Students, and Teachers”

· Understanding the lingo, etiquette, expectations, philosophy, nutrition, breath, postures, meditation.

· Taught by Courtney Butler E.R.Y.T.

· Continuing Ed. Credits for teachers

· Sunday Jan. 9th 2p.m. to 5p.m.

· $60

· Y members pay $50

· Class is held at the Hot Springs YMCA

Contact: Courtney Butler




Sunday, November 14, 2010

Yoga to do

Here is a list of School Sessions, classes, etc...

Nov.14th Sun- School Session, 1:30- 5:30 Chris, Review, Emmy
Nov. 19th- Friday Daniela's class (optional, $10) Mentor with Courtney 11:30-2:00
Dec.4th- Teacher Training Practice 9:30-5:30 Linda, Leslie, Karin, Debbie
Dec. 5th-TTP and Graduation

  • Take classes with an RYT
  • Watch Films: Enlighten Up, Ram Dass: Fierce Grace, Titan's of Yoga, Ashtanga NY, Yoga Inc, the link I sent you on hulu to Ram Dass and Houston Smith.
  • Interview an RYT, or take them to tea

  1. Elana has the workshop in Benton on the 19th and 20th Fri evening and Sat a.m.
  2. I sent attachments to Uma's classes.
  3. Cindee has a class at the Art Church each Friday
  4. Check the YMCA for yoga classes
  5. If you have questions of RYT's in your area I will be happy to help you find them.

Mentoring:I will be open for mentoring once a week, except the week of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, usually on M,W,or F. Will send dates after this week.

Have a wonderful day. Love to you.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Next two trainings

Hello Yogi's:)
You will see a minor change below on the final day. Karin's grandmother passed away and she is going to go to the funeral. We are sending our love to her and her family, her grandparents recently celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary.
There is also some time that is not scheduled, this is time for you all to ask any questions that are lingering in your minds. Bring your notebooks and pens and have some idea of what you feel like you still need to learn.

Friday 6-9
6:20 Mary (gentle)
7:40 Angel

Saturday 9:30-5:30 A.M. Classes in the Pavilion
9:45 Brandi
11:00 Lunch
1:00 Titans of Yoga film
3:00 Pai Yin
4:00 Fill out Yoga Alliance Paperwork
4:30 MS Film (In the style Kundalini)
5:15 Clean up and Dismiss

1:45 Leslie
3:45-4:45 Emmy (Focus on Depression)
5:15 Clean up and Dismiss

December 12/4 to 12/5

Sat: 9:30-5:30
9:45-10:45 Chris
11:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:00 (open)
2:00 -300 Linda
3:45-4:45 Debbie (gentle)
5:15 Clean up/dismiss

1:00-2:00 (Sharp) Karin Chair Class
2:00 Set up for Teacher Panel and Graduation
3:00 Teacher Panel
4:00 Graduation
5:00 Dismiss

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Friday 6-9
6:20 Mary (gentle)
7:40 Angel

Saturday 9:30-5:30
9:45 Brandi
11:00 Lunch
1:00 MS film
2:00 Karin (chair class)
3:45-4:45 Pai Yin (In the style Kundalini)
5:15 Clean up and Dismiss

1:45 Leslie
3:45-4:45 Emmy (Focus on Depression)
5:15 Clean up and Dismiss

December 12/4 to 12/5

Sat: 9:30-5:30
9:45-10:45 Chris
11:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:00 (open)
2:00 -300 Linda
3:45-4:45 Debbie (gentle)
5:15 Clean up/dismiss

Monday, October 11, 2010


Hello everyone,
All I can say is "Wow, you all are ready to go." I am so proud. Thank you for a great weekend.
Here is the new itinerary and reminders.

Next event:
Check in will be from 4:00 to 5:00
Dinner at 6:00
7:00 Meet and greet, discussion
8:00-9:15 Therapeutic gentle yoga with Courtney and Meditation
9:15-10:30 Wine reception

6:30 Yoga with Elana
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Seva Tour
10:00 Yoga with Sharla
12:00 Lunch
1:00-2:00 Free time for outdoor activities, rainy day alternate is a movie or chilling out:)
2:00 Yoga with Courtney
4:00 Check out
* I will ask for volunteers to help with Registration, set up and break down of props, set up and clean up of snacks.

November: Everyone has exactly 1 hr to teach

Friday 6-9
6:20 Mary (gentle)
7:40 Angel

Saturday 9:30-5:30
9:45 Brandi
11:00 Lunch
1:00 MS film
2:00 Karin (chair class)
3:45-4:45 Pai Yin
5:15 Clean up and Dismiss

1:45 Leslie
3:45-4:45 Debbie (gentle)
5:15 Clean up and Dismiss

December 12/4 to 12/5

Sat: 9:30-5:30
9:45-10:45 Chris
11:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:00 (open)
2:00 -300 Linda
3:45-4:45 Emmy (chair)
5:15 Clean up/dismiss

1:30 Paperwork for Yoga Alliance filled out.
2:15 Set up for Graduation
3:00 Teacher Panel (Community teachers are invited to come and talk to you, please prepare questions)
4:00 Presentation of Certificates and Catered Snacks.
5:00 Clean up and Dismiss

Reminders: * The remainder of test can be turned into me at the November class. If you have a balance on the retreat please snail mail it to me or put it in my box at the YMCA no later than the 20th of the month.

Thank you so much. It's been a joy!

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Friday Oct. 8th-
1st Mary
2nd Angel
3rd Chris

7-7:30 Break

1st Stacy
2nd Brandi
3rd Leslie

Oct. 9th 9a.m. in Pavilion
1st Debbie
2nd Ashley
3rd Pai Yin

Questions/paperwork/Film/Practicum Discussion

11:30 to 1:00 Lunch
2p.m. Mi Mi guest teaches
3:00 break
Top ten places
Meditations and Questions
Turn in exams and other paperwork . Make sure binders are complete. School housekeeping.
4:45 Clean up and early dismissal

Oct: 10th Sunday
1st Linda
2nd Karin
3rd Emmy

2:30 -2:50 Break

Cover questions, paperwork, special needs population
Ashley's certificate

4:00-5:00 Stacey

Friday Nov. 12th
6: 30p.m. - Mary
7:45- 8:45 Brandi

Saturday 13th: We will go in the pavilion
9:45-10:45 Karin
11: 00 to 12:00 Leslie
2: 15-3:15 Angel
4:00 to 5:00 Pai

Sunday 14th:
1:45-2:45 Debbie
3:30-4:30 Chris

Dec. 4th
2:00p.m. Emmy
4:00p.m. Linda

December 5th

Monday, September 13, 2010

Oct. 8th -10th

Teaching Schedule for Oct. 8-10th
Teach in groups of threes.
Friday Oct. 8th-
1st Mary
2nd Angel
3rd Chris

1st Stacy
2nd Brandi
3rd Leslie

Oct. 9th 9a.m. in Pavillion
1st Debbie
2nd Ashley
3rd Pai Yin

10:30 a.m. Courtney teaches public class
11:30 to 1:00 Lunch
2p.m. Mi Mi guest teaches
3:00 break
Top ten places
Meditations and Questions
Turn in exams and other paperwork . Make sure binders are complete. School housekeeping.
4:45 Clean up and early dismissal

Oct. 10th
1st Linda
2nd Karin
3rd Emmy

4:00-5:00 Stacey

* Reminders
  1. Bring your top 10 places and or people you would like to teach.
  2. Bring your balance for the retreat.
  3. Bring any questions you have or concerns, this is the time as we are reaching the end to make sure we don't' miss anything.
  4. You can turn in your Comprehensive Exam if you have it ready. Please email it or snail mail it to me no later than Oct. 15th.
  5. Bring your meditations, readings, it can be a simple reading.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Moving into Fall

Hello Dear Yogi's:

Next time we meet on Sept 10th we will start to practice with your cards on Friday night.
I will have a handout on "Adjustments" for you that we will apply, and I will review the bandha's with you briefly.

Please start practicing and memorizing the Half Sun Salute and the Full Sun Salute. R

You will also need to start memorizing the "Arc" of a class:

Here is the order that you can find (similarly) on your "How to Teach Yoga 101" sheet.

  • Introduce and ask about health concerns
  • Opening Meditation -Setting your intention
  • Pranayama
  • Joint Loosening- Opening Poses
  • Salutations
  • Standing Poses & Balancing
  • Backbends
  • Forward Bends
  • Twist
  • Inversions
  • Back Bends and Forward Bends along with twist as counter to Inversions and prep for Meditation
  • Savasana - Meditation
You all will start to learn and teach in three parts as stated above. Each of you will have twenty minutes. We will start this on the weekend of Oct. 8th.

Here is your schedule of practice teaching:
Oct. 9th: 4:00 to 5:00 Stacey

Oct: 10th Sunday
1:45-2:45 Emmy
3:30 - 4:30 Linda

Friday Nov. 12th
6: 30p.m. - Mary
7:45- 8:45 Brandi

Saturday: We will go in the pavillion
9:45-10:45 Karin
11: 00 to 12:00 Leslie
2: 15-3:15 Angel
4:00 to 5:00 Pai

1:45-2:45 Debbie
3:30-4:30 Chris

On Sat. Dec. 5th we will review and do any necessary makeup
On Sunday Dec. 6th Graduation Day:): I will teach you a class for fun, then other yoga teachers will be invited to come and talk to you for Q & A. In the afternoon we will have catered snacks and I will help you all fill out your Yoga Alliance Registration forms and you will be presented your Certificate. You may invite your family to come at 4p.m. on Sunday.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Please read for next class discsussion

Taken from
Beginner Yoga Hatha Yoga Yoga Poses Yoga Exercises Yoga Posture
There are many different styles of yoga being taught and practiced today. Although all of the styles are based on the same physical postures (called poses), each has a particular emphasis. Here is a quick guide to the most popular types of yoga that can help you decode the schedule at your gym and figure out which class is right for you.


Hatha is a very general term that can encompass many of the physical types of yoga. If a class is described as Hatha style, it is probably going to be slow-paced and gentle and provide a good introduction to the basic yoga poses.


Like Hatha, Vinyasa is a general term that is used to describe many different types of classes. Vinyasa, which means breath-synchronized movement, tends to be a more vigorous style based on the performance of a series of poses called Sun Salutations, in which movement is matched to the breath. A Vinyasa class will typically start with a number of Sun Salutations to warm up the body for more intense stretching that's done at the end of class.


Ashtanga, which means "eight limbs" in Sanskrit, is a fast-paced, intense style of yoga. A set series of poses is performed, always in the same order. Ashtanga practice is very physically demanding because of the constant movement from one pose to the next. In yoga terminology, this movement is called flow. Ashtanga is also the inspiration for what is often called Power Yoga. If a class is described as Power Yoga, it will be based on the flowing style of Ashtanga, but not necessarily keep strictly to the set Ashtanga series of poses.


Based on the teachings of the yogi B.K.S Iyengar, this style of practice is most concerned with bodily alignment. In yoga, the word alignment is used to describe the precise way in which your body should be positioned in each pose in order to obtain the maximum benefits and avoid injury. Iyengar practice usually emphasizes holding poses over long periods versus moving quickly from one pose to the next (flow). Also, Iyengar practice encourages the use of props, such as yoga blankets, blocks and straps, in order to bring the body into alignment.


The emphasis in Kundalini is on the breath in conjunction with physical movement, with the purpose of freeing energy in the lower body and allowing it to move upwards. All asana practices make use of controlling the breath. But in Kundalini, the exploration of the effects of the breath (also called prana, meaning energy) on the postures is essential.


Pioneered by Bikram Choudhury, this style is more generally referred to as Hot Yoga. It is practiced in a 95 to 100 degree room, which allows for a loosening of tight muscles and profuse sweating, which is thought to be cleansing. The Bikram method is a set series of 26 poses, but not all hot classes make use of this series.

* Note from Courtney: REMEMBER you only use the name Bikram, Anusaura, Ashtanga, Iyengar, and other styles of yoga if you are trained and certified under those teachers and in those schools, many are copyrighted. Often Hatha Yoga is used as a general term but often denotes a slower paced class. Vinyasa style is not copyrighted and often denotes a faster paced class.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Hello, If you have not read Mondays post, please do so.
I'm in the midst of doing paperwork and wanted to send out some reminders.

In my Black Box there is a purple plastic file folder, there are copies of nearly everything you have received. When you have time compare with your neighbor to see if you are missing anything, then you can look for extras in the folder. There is always a hole punch in my black box. You are welcome to either of these items at any time.

We have six openings for the retreat. If you are a teacher and you wish to attend please send in your deposit by 8/29. This is the date I have to confirm with Ferncliff. Dep are $70. After the 29th I will open up the open spots to the public as I will need to fill them. This is a small retreat of twenty people.

Emmy and Leslie: The copy of your exam is in your folder.
I emailed out the Comprehensive Exam and Workbook to each of you also.
There are extra copies of the calender in my purple folder.

I will return your test to you by the 29th.

Have a wonderful week. :) Love and Light to you all.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Looking Back, Looking Forward, Being Present

This weekend we covered:
1. As you go our into the world of teaching handout, basic guidelines for classroom management. And notes on a blue print for the classroom.
2. Had two yoga sessions, one with Daniela and one with Sherry (public class.)
3. Covered Standing poses and back bends with Cindee and got our groove on with some dance:).
4. Covered Sanskrit with Mary S.

Our next weekend we will meet only S/S the 28th and 29th of Aug.
1. Yoga Asana and Meditation will be with Christina, Ashley, and public class with Sherry. We will outline and practice the cards I gave you, bring them back to class please.
2. Sunday Mary will cover Bandha's, Ahimsa (Non Violence) and a Vegan Diet, and Forward Folding.

* A reminder: I spoke to you about building stamina, a great way to do this is to walk fifteen to twenty mins twice a week, then thirty mins once a week, and forty five mins once a week for a total of four walks, rest in between. This is a 5K schedule I use in addition to my personal yoga practice. My personal yoga practice varies depending on whats going on in my life, but it usually includes one or more of the following:
1. Taking other teachers classes.
2. Twenty Mins of personal practice followed by five mins of meditation.
3. Up to an hour of personal asana followed by twenty mins or more of meditation.

Be present and study the first worksheet, your notes on the blue print of a class, and prepare to teach your assigned index card. I hope you have fun with it all and enjoy learning.

Much Love and Light!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Aug. 13-15th

We are smack in the middle of our teaching and after this weekend we will move from theory to practice teaching. We will have you ready :) No worries. Remember "ENJOY THE JOURNEY".

  • Fri.13 Arrival 6p.m. Test handout, set up, discussions....Daniela will teach 7:15-8:15- Test Due Quiz Due, discussions 8:50 Dismissal

  • Sat 14th 9:00 a.m. Discussion 10:30-11:30 downstairs for public class with Sherry, Lunch 11:45 to 1:15 ,1:30 -5:00 Standing Poses, Backbends (props/modifications)with Cindee 5-5:30 Courtney, updates

  • Sun 15th:1:30-5:00Mary will teach on one or more of these topics: Sanskrit, Bandhas, Ahimsa,Vegan lifestyle, 5:30 Dismissal

Our next class Ashley and Christina (a member of our Turquoise Tree affiliate) will be practice teaching.

The Aug. 28 and 29th class will be all about putting the work you have done so far into practice. I'll lead you through it all weekend.

Look forward to seeing you all.

New website address

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July and Aug

What a great weekend.
Thank you to all the guest teachers and staff teachers, Sherry Daves, Elana Johnson, and Cindee Zerr Franklin. I believe everyone learned quite a bit and had a great time doing so.

We are over a third of the way through the training and I hope you are enjoying the journey. Here is our Aug. calender.

Fri.13 Daniela 7:15-8:15- Test Due Quiz Due, 1 meditation
Sat 14th- Courtney a.m., How to teach quiz/test review meditations
Cindee -p.m. Standing Poses, Backbends (props/modifications)
Sun 15th Sanskrit , Bahdhas: Mary

Sat.28th Christina South visits as an assistant.
Sun 29th Practice Teaching weekend.


Sunday, June 27, 2010


Dearest Yogini's,
We have had a full and productive weekend. I"m so grateful for the positive attitude of each of you. We are about to hit the stride of physical practice over the summer. Here are your assignments and what you can expect over the next few months. Open Dates are for Practicum.



Fri.9th 7-9p.m. Film on Marketing- Practice Opening, Pranayama, & Centering (Meditation or Body Scan) Setting Your Intention for class.

Sat.10th 9:30 to 11:30 a.m Opening Poses, Three Part, Ujjayi, and Meditation

Sat: 1-5 Sun Salutations (props/ modifications) with Cindee =6

Sun11th Elana : Prenatal yoga


Fri.13 Daniela 7:15-8:15- Test Due & Quiz Due

Sat 14th- 9:30 - 11:30 Courtney .- The Business of Doing Yoga

1:00 to 5:00 -Standing Poses, Backbends (props/modifications) Cindee=6

Sun 15th Sanskrit , Bahdhas: Mary


Sat.28th Forward Bends, Twist, Inversions, Sequencing with Courtney

Sun 29th Mary Diet /Ahimsa/Sanskrit

Sept : Practice Teaching Begins, Practicum

Fri10 Practicum

Sat-11th 9-11:30 Courtney T.B.A.

1-5 Chakra’s, Chanting Cindee

Sun-12thPractice Teaching


Sequencing- Techniques- Benefits –Yoga from the world onto the mat…. And off again.

Fri 8th



OCT: 29th Teachers Retreat at Ferndale Retreat Center 4p.m. Fri to 4p.m. Sat. $135 student cost if you wish to attend. You will receive twenty hours credit for attending. We will go to Ya Ya's for Dinner directly after the retreat.

Nov. These last two weekends will be focused on Practicum and tweaking techniques.

12 Practice Teaching all weekend. Open classes, guest teachers, Teachers Panel etc...



Dec: Graduation Weekend.



Due to teachers schedules some classes may be moved when guest teachers are available to visit, or staff teachers are available for extra hours.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

June 25-27th Class

Dear Yogini's,

I enjoyed our weekend together. I think we can all agree Cindee is a great teacher. Guest teachers who are not E.R.Y.T.'s lead Hatha Yoga classes only.

The next time we meet our schedule will be as follows:

Friday: Guest Teacher Kathryn will lead a class, Kathryn is a former graduate of F.L.Y.
Saturday: Review Anatomy Test, Review for First Quarter Quiz, Etiquette Handout, Workbook worksheets, Yoga Alliance Code of Conduct, Light on Yoga worksheet Review, Yin Yoga Course, How to teach worksheet and application....
Sunday: Finish work that didn't get finished on Saturday. Continue how to teach. Guest teacher Sherry. Continue working on Teaching Techniques.

* If time allows we may watch the movie "Ashtanga N.Y."

Reminder : Yoga You in Cabot is having an open house this weekend. Please record hours if you go so I can count them.

If you know of any yoga teachers who would like to attend the "Seva Retreat" please let them know about it. You have an attachment on your email. It is also on the website.
Please call if you need anything.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Teacher's Retreat Planned

Hello all:
I have planned a small twenty four hour teacher's retreat. This is not required by the current students, however it is a great way to make up hours and learn from other teachers.
Everything is included and it will take place when the trees should be beautiful.
Student teachers,staff, and the previous grads from F.L.Y. pay $135.
If you have a credit you can apply it to the retreat.


What:Yoga Teachers Retreat to Share and to Learn
When: Fri. Oct. 29th 4p.m. to Sat. 4.p.m.
Where: Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center in Ferndale Ar
Cost: Deposit of $70 balance of $80 for a total of $150.00

Seva: In the spirit of “selfless service”. For info on Seva go to

*This workshop is designed to help yoga teachers build a community, learn from one another, be compassionate, and help to advance others in this world in order to spread the love of yoga and the benefits to others. We will have several yoga classes and fellowship with discussions on topics such as “certification, the economics of teaching, where to find work, specialty areas, etc….”

One price Includes: Lodging in Belden Cabins, four people to a room. The cabins are very nice and new with comfortable new twin size bunk beds, the rooms have bathrooms and heat and air. Each guest will have their own bed, so you can decide where to sleep. Activities and classes will be held in the Community Activities Center next to the cabins. Meals are served in the cafeteria and some vegan and vegetarian snacks will be available in the CAB.

Openings will be for teachers first. If any spaces are left as of Aug. 15th registration will be open to advanced students with a desire to teach.

Price: $150.00
Deposit: $70 to hold your space by Aug. 15th, space is limited to seventeen, plus three teachers. The balance of $80 is due by Oct. 15th.
After September 1st deposits are non refundable. You can transfer your space to another teacher if you can arrange it.
Courtney Butler, E.R.Y.T. 200, Director of Floating Lotus Yoga R.Y.S., and Yoga Coordinator HS YMCA.
*Staff and current teacher training students and recent graduates can take 10% off the price

*Detach and Mail to: Floating Lotus Yoga, 120 Wildwood Circle, Hot Springs, AR 71901

Amount Enclosed:

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Session 2 June 4-6

Dearest Yoginis,
Due to a conflict with scheduling Cindee is going to teach Anatomy during our next session on Friday and Saturday and History on Sunday. Eat your fruits and veggies and rest up. It will be an intensive learning experience. I'm looking forward to it, Cindee always has wonderful information and is a delightful teacher. After all these years I still learn something new every time Cindee teaches.

June 4-6F-Sun

Friday 4th:

6-9 Anatomy Cindee

Saturday 5th

9:30 to 11:30 Physical Practice "How to Teach" with Courtney

11:30 to 1:00 Lunch

1:00-5:00 Cindee - Anatomy

Sunday 6th

1:30-5:30 Cindee- History of Yoga

Should you need a place to stay contact Mary Moore or you can visit my friends vacation home site and room together, he had four houses to choose from at various rates. All are very clean and tidy and close in town.